






Notícia: Nintendo encerra operações no Brasil

[Update] Repercutindo internacionalmente, a notícia provocou vários comentários em redes sociais e fóruns. Até eles conhecem nosso país e seus "governantes". Veja abaixo:

Culpando os altos impostos, a Nintendo acaba de anunciar o encerramento da distribuição de consoles e jogos em nosso país. A Gaming do Brasil, empresa subsidiária da Juegos de Video Latinoamérica, não distribuirá mais os produtos em solo tupiniquim.

Bill Van Zyll, diretor e genrente geral da América Latina da Nintendo of America disse salientou que “o Brasil é um mercado importante para a Nintendo e lar de muitos fãs apaixonados mas, infelizmente, desafios no ambiente local de negócios fizeram nosso modelo de distribuição atual no país insustentável. Estes desafios incluem as altas tarifas sobre importação que se aplicam ao nosso setor e a nossa decisão de não ter uma operação de fabricação local. Trabalhando junto com a Juegos de Video Latinoamérica, iremos monitorar a evolução do ambiente de negócios e avaliar a melhor maneira de servir nossos fãs brasileiros no futuro”.

Dia triste e marcante para os gamers brasileiros. Mais uma vergonha para o nosso país.

Abaixo, segue o que o famoso site IGN escreveu sobre a notícia:

"Nintendo cites the country's high import tariffs and other unspecified challenges with the local business environment as reasons for the withdrawal. For instance, the Wii U launched at a cost of R$1899, or about $830 USD. Games sold for R$179 to R$199, or $77 to $87 USD."

Apollo1  +   2h ago
Bad news for Brazilian Nintendo Fans

TheHaydenator  +   43m ago
not really, prices were crazy high anyway

kwandar  +   2h ago
My company also occasionally sells software into Brazil (I suspect Cuba is easier!), and it is a PAINFUL country to deal with.

Getting payment for software back out is tough and expensive. I've spoken to any number of banks to try to deal with the situation and they all say generally the same thing about Brazil.

Unfortunately I completely understand where Nintendo is coming from, and probably anyone who lives in Brazil who needs to send money out of the country, does too.
#2(Edited 2h ago) | Agree(6) | Disagree(2) | Report | Reply

wonderfulmonkeyman  +   2h ago
Sounds like the economy over there is taking a drastic nose-dive.
Might be time to get some governmental restructuring under way...

Nerdmaster  +   1h ago
I don't know why you got these disagrees. Economy here in Brazil is getting worse than it already was. Our money is getting more and more undervalued, few companies are investing in our country, taxes (which are already among the highest in the world) are getting even higher. And the worst thing: our president, whose political decisions take the blame for many of the problems according to the economists, was just reelected for four more years.
#2.1.1(Edited 1h ago) | Agree(3) | Disagree(1) | Report

shaw98  +   1h ago
Poor Brazil Nintendo fans.

acekaze  +   1h ago
Greedy governments with silly rules, brasilean government overcomplicates allot of things hurting mostly their own people.

Até mais! Cris

09 janeiro 2015
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